Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Good software is less feature

If you are software developer, programmer please listen to this guy - David Heinemeier Hansson the creator of Ruby on Rails. If you often frustrated by your user complaint - "The people writing software just don't know what is the real world, they are living in their own software world !!" , and your user keep on adding features, changing the way it behave, how it looks.. etc. and they wanted the software to run or perform like how their mind is thinking, David will let you know what is a great software, he has his own unique point of view and I agree with him - totally.

These are taken from David Heinemeier Hansson interview in the recent railsconf 2008.
That's a good question, I think great software is often less software. I think too much software has too many fatures. I think that more people should be trying to write less. They should be trying to write less feature, the feature should be less complex and I think that enable to do what users want. They may say they wants lots of features, that' a trick. The trick is that what people tell you is not necessarily what they need. So, you need to be able to distinguish between obeying and acting on user behalf. I think people write great software acting on user behalf instead of just obeying their commands.

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